Boston Seaport
In the heart of a city so revered for its history, Seaport is a beacon of all things new and unexpected. It’s a home for technology, innovation, art and doing things a little differently. It’s a neighborhood for what’s new and what’s next.

Step into Seaport – nestled between Boston’s scenic waterfront and the historic Fort Point District – and you’ll feel the energy shift. There’s a little more excitement, a little extra style and a sense that something interesting is just around the corner. Like your most well-traveled, in-the-know friend, Seaport is always up on the latest, down to try something new and guaranteed to look good through it all.

Here, you’ll find international tech conferences, the state-of-the-art Boston Convention and Exhibition Center, one-of-a-kind installations by renowned artists, and shops and experiences you won’t find anywhere else in in the city. Seaport represents a newer, bolder side of Boston.

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