Rahim Gray
My name is Rahim Gray. I was born and raised in Dorchester. I am self-taught in fluid acrylics. I like that I must relinquish control when making a piece because of the power of gravity and the formlessness of liquid. Fluid art challenges me – it has no fixed shape, and when shear force is applied, it cannot resist. My art is influenced by both music and current events. I also lead fluid acrylics classes and pop-ups, teaching people how to make their own masterpieces. As Bruce Lee said “Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless, like water. If you put water in a cup, it becomes the cup; be water, my friend.”

Don’t allow yourself to be trapped in a certain mindset. Instead, change, grow, and adapt to certain situations. Bring new ideas into shape. Art embodies emotions. It triggers emotions and thought. It challenges you. Art, in its many forms, is therapy for the soul. Peace